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I n   B e t w e e n    R e f l e c t i o n s



Contemporary painting by Jildau Nijboer. Acrylics on canvas. size 120x200cm. Floating dots, a vague colourful frame, suggestions of a scene. yellow blue green, contrast, light
In Between Reflections I, 2022, acrylics and oil on linen, 120x200cm
the back of your neighbour. 2021, acrylic lacquer, acrylics, print and paper on ceramics, 30x40cm
2 paintings by Jildau Nijboer. small and big work. colourful, light,
In Between Reflections IV. acrylics and oil on linen, 120x200cm



sculpture made by Jildau Nijboer. Metal, bricks, ceramic tiles, concrete. size 3 metres high. human figure
voetspoor van een gevonden ziel. 2022, 3 x 1,20 x 0.5 metres, metal, tiles, concrete
Painting, in between Reflections 5 and sculpture 'Guest without a party' wood, metal, spraypaint, Yellow white, floating images both in space and on the wall.
'Guest without a party', 2022, wood, metal, spraypaint, 140x120x150 cm and painting In Between Reflections IV
In Between Reflections III. acrylics and oil on canvas, 120x200cm
Behind surfaces I. 2023, acrylics on linen, 110X150cm
In Between Reflections II. 2022, 120x200cm, acrylics, lacquer and spraypaint on linen
In Between Reflections V. 2022, 120x200cm, oil, acrylics, lacquer and spraypaint on linen













Blue at Six AM
2023, acrylics on wood, 40x60cm